Travel and Testing

Many people in Alaska commute to work, but our commuting distance varies every single day. One day we could be testing in Palmer on the Springer system, and the next day we could travel as far as Chitina. We've even traveled to Petersville, Cantwell, Soldotna, and Glenallen.

We do charge a little extra for the drive, but that's mostly just for gas and time recuperation. We have been known to allow the fee to be split if several tests are in the area and we can take care of them all on the same trip, depending on the situation.

We enjoy working in Alaska, even when the cell service gets spotty, even when your rear end starts to hurt from the distance driving, and even when you've got to yield to moose crossings. We wouldn't rather work anywhere else because of the natural beauty of the state, and our summer days are the best.

Our company prides itself on being able to be show up promptly and accurate in our measurements. Areas outside the core of the Valley may take a bit longer to get started with, as we need to gather information before departing, and making sure schedules can fit.